Unexpected duo, Roiii and Boity have captivated fans with the announcement of their upcoming single, set to drop on Friday, October 4th. The single...
Acclaimed Amapiano duo, Shakes & Les are set to drop their debut album titled 'Mkhaya' on October 14th, 2024. "We present to you our debut alb...
Duncan took to socials to announce that his highly anticipated album, 'Incwadi Yezono' is now available for pre-order. This announcement was shared...
A day after NBA legend Shaq reposted his latest freestyle, American stars WILL.I.AM and Killer Mike showed fast-rising lyricist Kane Keid some love on...
Fast-rising rapper, Caseklowzed has taken to socials to preview two searing new singles. The snippets received critical acclaim from fans who have ...
Earlier today, K.O took to socials to announce Hip-Hop giant, Cassper Nyovest as one of the guest stars for his upcoming concert. K.O is set to cel...